The Coworker: I call this my day-home friend. The one we actually spend most of our lives with and who gets to hear about every detail of what you were doing the night before. The one who covers your ass when the boss wonders why you reek of Vodka on Friday morning.
The Doorman/Promoter: Ok technically they're not your 'real friend' but in LA who is, haha, just kidding... kind of. This person helps you glide through every velvet rope in town and just might save you on the way out.
The Publicist: This person is the social butterfly of your group, the one who knows about everything and everyone that's important. And mostly importantly, drags you along with them for the ride.
The Yogi: This person will not only give you a more toned and sexified bod, they will also bring you a little enlightenment. When you're having a bad they, they'll pat you on the back, say you're doing what you can, and as long as you're doing your part to promote peace, harmony, and goodness, you're doing your part.
The Actor/Writer/Musician - This dramatic individual will keep you entertained and are appreciated for their outlandish stories, sense of humor, and crazy experiences. Bonus points if your creative friend is successful, then the stories and experiences will only get crazier and hopefully, you'll become part of their entourage and thus, part of the stories.
The Lawyer - If you've got Gloria Allred's number in your iPhone, you're already one step ahead. Hopefully we don't have any Lindsay-esque problems with the law, but it's always good to be friends with a lawyer in case we (or someone we know) does.
The Manager at the Beverly Hills Hotel - This friend is most important to have during the hot summer months (well, really anytime when the weather is above 75 degrees) so that we can work on our tans and frolic in the water at the city's most resort-like pool.
420 Prescription friend - for obvious reasons.
The Stylist - To keep you stylish, share her fashion secrets and favorite stores, and, of course, swap clothes!
Photo courtesy of point-spreads
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